Ooh! A nicely contested match for round 179! Team Discord manages to claim the win - I added the Arcane Sanctum to round out the lands package. Final update and then results tomorrow morning!
Current score - Discord = 134 Cube Cobra = 37 Ties = 7
Good luck to all with today's guessing game!
Ha! I thought yesterday's would be a little tougher than that - but you all crushed it. Nicely done! I was the one that added Citadel. Penultimate round!
Current score - Discord = 134 Cube Cobra = 37 Ties = 7
Good luck to all with today's guessing game!
Team Discord with the win again! I was the one that added Show and Tell. (I'm not sure that the AI will let me cut Emrakul, so I figured I should do something to make that card's presence interesting.) Last three swaps - here we go!
Team Discord comes through with a unanimous decision and victory yesterday, as Cube Cobra decides that it is Smaug and Condemn is a pile of gold. It looks like Supreme Verdict might stay out though. Will the rest of my cuts stick in the final countdown? We'll see!
Current score - Discord = 132 Cube Cobra = 37 Ties = 7
Good luck to all with today's guessing game!
A win for team Discord as we begin our final countdown. Cube Cobra added the Misty and I added Cloudkin. Last Five - lezzgo!
Current score - Discord = 131 Cube Cobra = 37 Ties = 7
Good luck to all with today's guessing game!
Wow! Cube Cobra sneaking in victories as we get close to the end of the project. Cube Cobra and I decided to add some fetchlands this weekend, so it was all about the cuts. Cube Cobra actually suggested cutting Mystic Concluence and I cut the oddball fixing (since we have an abundance of it in the cube at this point).
Current score - Discord = 130 Cube Cobra = 37 Ties = 7
Good luck to all with today's guessing game!
Cube Cobra with sneaks in with a stunning upset victory! Apparently, it learned how to meme in our time together. Cube Cobra was the one that added Armageddon and cut Baneslayer. Shout out to Parker for catching that wily robot in the act!
Current score - Discord = 130 Cube Cobra = 36 Ties = 7
Good luck to all with today's guessing game!
Ooh! A nice and close match, but team Discord just manages to get the win! Cube Cobra added Arc Trail and cut Plaguecrafter. (Because black doesn't need three drops when it has so many four drops, apparently.) I hope everyone is having a good weekend!
Current score - Discord = 130 Cube Cobra = 35 Ties = 7
Good luck to all with today's guessing game!
Cube Cobra coming in hard with the intolerance for cuts! Congrats to team Discord for correctly identifying the AI taking a firm stand in favor of outdated creatures!
Current score - Discord = 129 Cube Cobra = 35 Ties = 7
Good luck to all with today's guessing game!
You'll never believe this, but Cube Cobra actually bamboozled everyone yesterday. Cube Cobra was the one that added Imposing Sovereign. (I didn't want to give any hints yesterday, but, "Beep Boop!", Alveric) Will this be Cube Cobra's last win of this project? We'll see!
Current score - Discord = 128 Cube Cobra = 35 Ties = 7
Good luck to all with today's guessing game!
Team Discord gets the win, as Cube Cobra tips its hand! Cube Cobra decided it could not live without Skullclamp, apparently, and rocketed it right to the top of its list of cards to include. Only 10 left!
Current score - Discord = 128 Cube Cobra = 34 Ties = 7
Good luck to all with today's guessing game!
Well played, everyone! Team Discord with the unanimous vote and the landslide victory! JBro thought Thraben Inspector would be too obvious, and so tried to throw you all off the trail, but to no avail!
Current score - Discord = 127 Cube Cobra = 34 Ties = 7
Good luck to all with today's guessing game!
Another win for team Discord! I was the one who added Squee. I am hoping that the power level of this environment settles to a place where a slow value engine like that is playable. We'll see soon enough, I suppose.
And for today, we have a another guest contributor. One of the swaps below was made by Cube Cobra, and one was made by cube drafter extraordinaire, Jbro! Which is which? You decide!
Current score - Discord = 126 Cube Cobra = 34 Ties = 7
Good luck to all with today's guessing game!
A close match, but team Discord finds the victory! Cube Cobra added Woe-Reaper and ChatGPT4 add triple S. We have another guest contributor coming up tomorrow, so stay tuned. I won't say who it is just yet, but I will say that when asked if he would like to take part, his response was, "Hell Ya!".
Current score - Discord = 125 Cube Cobra = 34 Ties = 7
Good luck to all with today's guessing game!
We have ourselves another tie! There was some great debate and discussion, and congrats are in order to Feld, Alveric, and Beary for getting it right. I cut Sol Ring for Realm Walker, while Cube Cobra cut Gideon for Sower.
We have a guest contributor to start off our weekend - One of the swaps below was done by Cube Cobra, and the other was done by a rival robot! One of these swaps was suggested (after much prodding and some interpretation on my part) by ChatGPT4. Can you figure out who did what in the match of the machines?
Current score - Discord = 124 Cube Cobra = 34 Ties = 7
Oh no! A clean seep victory for Cube Cobra? Lemme explain... So, Cube Cobra seems to be on this kick where it is adding some support for reanimator, and I was feeling like blue was looking a little shallow, so I thought "why not try to coordinate with the AI for once?", and so I added inkwell. It holds a nostalgic place in my heart, as far as top end goes.
Current score - Discord = 124 Cube Cobra = 34 Ties = 6
Good luck to all with today's guessing game!
I'm alive! Sorry for the delay - Covid fun! Of the first 33 hours I was symptomatic, I wound up sleeping 32 of them, but we're back in action. And we're back with our 6th ever tie! I was the one who added everflowing chalice and Cube Cobra added the pyroclasm. Thanks for being patient and game on!
Current score - Discord = 124 Cube Cobra = 33 Ties = 6
Good luck to all with today's guessing game!
Happy New Year everyone! And we're back! We had a close match last time, with some deliberate obfuscation on cuts on my part, and the result is that Cube Cobra grabbed an increasingly rare win. Congratulations to Dewey and Glassblowings for guessing correctly! Both Cube Cobra and I agreed the Vivids could go, now that fetch lands were added (but I do still harbor an inexplicable love for the Vivids). I added Compulsive Research in part because Cube Cobra has been flirting with reanimation a bit.
Congratulations to Team Discord for the clean sweep victory yesterday! I will try to make it a little more challenging today.
Current score - Discord = 124 Cube Cobra = 32 Ties = 5
Good luck to all with today's guessing game!
Team Discord with the win yesterday, despite my best efforts to obfuscate! Cube Cobra added Bloodstained Mire and I added Aetherling as blue was low on creatures. Just a heads up - I'll be on the road the next few days, but I'll do my best to keep the posts coming.
Current score - Discord = 123 Cube Cobra = 32 Ties = 5
Good luck to all with today's guessing game!