Big overhaul to boost the cube's power level
UW Birds -> Monks/Illusion of Grandeur combo
WG Tokens -> Scouts/Landfall
RG Warriors -> Goyfs
RG Warrior theme turns into RG Lhurgoyfs. Disa is possibly too strong, but we'll see, I'm okay with bumping the cube's power level.
Dark Depths but no Hexmage or Stage, just Hex Parasite, Ferropede and Soul Diviner, all of which also thematically combo with cumulative upkeep. The first two are also fun with sagas, so I added some more. Pushing insects harder with Zask.
Torbran, EI and Guul Draz all felt little too generically pushed for this cube. Fire Covenant
probably is too, but I can't bear to cut it yet.
Pushing durdling UG archetype with Browser / Digger / Command. Beacon of Creation is already a good payoff, maybe can find some others.