Unified Innistrad Theory 2: New World Order (2017-03-25)
(1 Card Cube)
Blog Posts (2)
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Fleeting Memories 4/9/2017
Fleeting Memories works better in the triple-SOI booster draft format than here. Compared to Ulvenwald Mysteries and Ongoing Investigation, its dependency level is high to the point that it's useless by itself.

Blessed Spirits 2017-05-14
I don't know if I can count this card, but I wanted to throw it in the sideboard just because it fills a lot of roles in this cube; Blessed Spirits is a White flying Spirit that cares about enchantments- this is key for bolstering the Red/White Enchantress deck i'm trying to embrace while giving tribal spirits some more bodies to work with. Keep an eye on this one.

Minor Change 2017-06-05
I prefer Incorrigible Youths to Gorgers, also I feel Youths fits the creature curve better.

Dragons 2017-06-05
Wanted a different mythic. I like the Red Angels take that SOI adopted, but the only examples are really... not good. Goldnight Castigator is a less functional- and dare I admit, less fun to play- Archwing dragon. Meanwhile, I'd like to bump up the red curve. I might be cutting one too many werewolves here, but I'll try this for now.

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