This cube is not currently being updated. I have plans to modify it at some point to account for all the new cards, but currently, this cube contains no cards from Jumpstart: Historic Horizons onwards.
Tiger Tribe Hunter is simply a great card that slots nicely into R/G or B/R, and is generally better than Havoc Jester
Minimus Containment, Grim Bounty, Magic Missile are all removal spells. Magic Missile is very powerful, very frequently able to kill 2 creatures. Minimus Containment is a Banishing Light variant that is a little more exciting. Grim Bounty was swapped in since black had not had any sorcery speed targeted removal spells in the cube.
Battle Cry Goblin, Targ Nar, Demon-Fang Gnoll, Red Dragon, Ravenous Lindwurm, Owlbear. Red/Green has been historically under-drafted in this cube. Battle Cry Goblin and Targ Nar reinforce the power matters-ness of the pair while being very strong cards. Red Dragon, Ravenous Lindwurm, and Owlbear and some good late game cards for the deck (and other adjacent color pairs).
Sepulcher Ghoul, Shambling Ghast, Reaper's Talisman. Black/Red has also been slightly underdrafted. Sepulcher Ghoul and Shambling Ghast are additions that can go in any Black/X deck, but should work best in . Reaper's Talisman is a very powerful black equipment while Malefic Scythe usually had a hard time making the cut.
White Dragon and Scion of Stygia are the last two swaps. Frost Lynx might have been slightly too good for , and Scion is less good at being an offensive card in the late game. Bulwark Giant was never played in any decks and White Dragon is an exciting new card from AFR that fills a similar role the giant was intended for.
Overall I ended up making a lot more swaps than I thought I would and this set came at a great time for the cube since was in need of some good cards. There's talk of bringing the cube up to 540 cards and also the possibility of changing the
archetypes. I am very excited to see what the Innistrad sets bring!
In every cube draft so far, Red has been under drafted, and and
have gone completely undrafted.
The archetype is getting a larger wizards theme with Aegar, the Freezing Flame and Rockslide Sorcerer as powerful additions. This meant that Red would need some more wizards so a couple of wizards were added. (Annoyingly, a lot of red cards that would fit well are shamans, while the good wizards to choose from are usually fairly similar). I'm particularly excited for Rootha, Mercurial Artist because, although she is a shaman (grrrr), she provides a lot of late-game value.
Green and isn't getting a lot this swap beyond Rampart Smasher. Green will be looked at to try to find more cards that draw drafters into the color.
This swap is explained here.
I made this change early because I expected the next Crab Prix draft to be Strixhaven, but I was delightfully wrong, so the change had to be reverted.
Have to temporarily replace these since the HA5 is not on arena yet
Only 13 of the Historic Anthology V cards are common or uncommon, and a fair number of them don't fit into the cube's themes (Into the North, Ancient Grudge, etc.)
This leaves Grisly Salvage, Intangible Virtue, Merfolk Looter, and Whirler Rogue.
Grisly Salvage fits right into 's graveyard shenanigans while replacing Poison-Tip Archer, which never really fit, and Merfolk Looter replaces Soothsayer Adept as a more powerful option that lacks the mana activation.
Intangible Virtue initially appeared in a token light set, and has continued to show up in sets where it's impact is minimal, I think it's best to keep this card out for now, especially since the go wide deck seems to be one of the best decks in the format.
I could go either way on Whirler Rogue, for now it's being left out since the archetype it fits in the best is , and that archetype appears to be one of the stronger ones as well.
Molderhulk is a card that just slipped by when designing, and after playing around with it, Deadly Brew is a little disappointing.
Strixhaven is released on MTG Arena tomorrow, and these are the cards being swapped in initially. Sadly, the Mystical Archives didn't add any new uncommons since the uncommons are all cards that are currently in standard.
Some of these swaps are to take out lesser played cards (Such as Sunset Pyramid or Wilt) and adding in some more playable new cards.
Some of these swaps are using the new cards as minor tweaks or upgrades (Such as turning Moment of Craving into Lash of Malice) to provide better options and also to try out new cards.
And one of these swaps does nothing :) (Erratic Visionary -> Soothsayer Adept).
Sift is just the exact same card as Trial of Knowledge and this fixes that issue.
Exchanging which blood artist effect gets to stay
The cube had anywhere from 3-5 Blood Artist effects depending on how you counted, and this swap is a way to lower that number. I will watch closely to see if the black decks don't do as well with this change.
Uncomfortable Chill is being removed as Silundi Vision Seemed to constantly underperform, failing to hit most of the time. Beyeen Veil is a decent replacement that might help the slower decks do better against aggro, but was too similar to Uncomfortable Chill, which is being changed into a straightforward card draw spell in Sift.
Goblin Arsonist and Footlight Fiend are practically the same card, and I felt Red/Blue could use a boost
Both Sleep and Tempest Caller have been underperforming for everybody, and this seeks to replace them with more playable cards.
This is a swap to add a little bit of reanimation incentive to . Also functions as good top-end for
Having two mind control effects was fine, but blue really needed a cheaper removal spell that wasn't a bounce effect. Also the fact that enthralling hold means you need to wait a turn to block was a rough downside