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Time Spiral Remastered Preview CardsBy Dekkaru |

Time Spiral Remastered preview season has already been a huge treat for everyone. With the inclusion of dozens of cube staples printed with the widely beloved pre-modern frame, it's no surprise that this set has been particularly exciting for cube enthusiasts. In addition to the hype around the return of the retro frame, Time Spiral Remastered looks to be a stellar limited format. Today I have not one, but five free preview cards provided by Wizards of the Coast.

Corpulent Corpse

Let's start out with the commons - Time Spiral introduced the suspend mechanic and made heavy use of it, so it's no surprise to see TSP Remastered chock-full of cards with this mechanic. Now, Corpulent Corpse is not exactly this set's bear with set's mechanic, but it's quite close! These hyper mana efficient plays can make a big difference in limited.

Cutthroat il-dal

One of my personal favorite aspects of original Time Spiral was the absolutely chaotic inclusion of keywords. Cutthroat il-dal, originally printed in future sight, was the first card with the hellbent keyword, printed right before its appearance en-masse in Ravnica block. It is a potentially hard hitting, difficult to block, aggressive top end.


Originally printed in Planar Chaos, Enslave is a backbreaking limited top-end that both control magics, and slowly drains your opponent out. This card is positioned to be stellar in this limited format, with an enchantment sub-theme already starting to take roots with Lost Auramancers being confirmed earlier this week.

Sengir Nosferatu

We have one rare to preview today, the limited powerhouse Sengir Nosferatu. An incredibly difficult to deal with midrange threat, this resilient creature is a straight up bomb in limited. A 4/4 flying for five is already a decent rate, especially in black, and the built in protection makes it a good choice in any decking looking to get to five mana.

Now, for the card I'm most excited to show you today. It's no secret that I've been a huge proponent of the aristocrats-like archetype in cube, with it being a solid direction in my own cube, Dekkaru Cube. This style of deck looks to play both cheap creatures, and creatures with built in recursion, and then utilizes sacrifice costs and death triggers to get maximum value out of the small creatures. I present to you, an excellent card for the inclusion of this archetype in your cube:

Zulaport Cutthroat

Never before printed with the old school frame, Zulaport Cutthroat makes an appearance in Time Spiral Remastered. I love this card for both limited and cube as it provides interesting incentives for drafters to explore. You could play it for value and just try to get incidental triggers, but the decks that utilize this card the best are able to flood the board with tiny creatures, or repeatedly recur creatures to build an engine to completely drain your opponent.

That's it for Cube Cobra's preview cards! Thank you to Wizards of the Coast for providing five free preview cards! And a huge special thanks to everyone who has supported Cube Cobra - I never thought I'd have gotten this far when this first started, and I can't wait to see where we can go from here.