In memorial of the best little guy that ever was <3
Featured on the fantastic Lucky Paper Radio's P1P1 in this episode - Check them out!
Mozart's cube is a high-powered cube designed to push relatively balanced gameplay around the tempo/value axis present in most games of magic. While combo does exist and is supported to some extent, "hard" combo such as reanimator, storm, and twin are not present. Most decks will fall neatly into the aggro, midrange, control paradigm and most games will feel like quote unquote fair magic. Primarily singleton; however, each color combination has 2 copies of each fetch land and 2 copies of each shock land.
1.) Each player begins the draft with a copy of Cogwork Librarian
2.) The cube is drafted with 3 packs of 16 cards per player. When combined with the bonus pack (see below) this means that every card of the cube is drafted
3.) After the traditional draft has been completed, a final bonus pack is opened and drafted among the players in a non-snake order, normally with the newest player getting picks 1 & 9.
4.) Winner of the draft gets to sign a basic land of their choice that must be used in every subsequent draft by someone :)
Obviously exceptions to rules exist but you'd be hard pressed to find a reason to pass any of the following cards to another player due to their extreme power relative to the other cards in the cube. Some of these may not seem as imposing due to their ubiquitous play in Commander or being silver bordered/play test card; however, left unchecked, each one can absolutely take over a game. In no particular order, they are:
Cheaty face is a creature based combo deck that attempts to control the board during the early game through removal and permission before ending the game by sneaking a fatty into play faster than should be possible.
Often referred to as the fun police, the goal here is to curve out perfectly and reduce the opponent from 20 to 0 before they get impact the game. Best as a mono color, although that doesn't mean you should be afraid of the splash! The deck normally looks to top out around CMC of 4. New additions to aggro include a black aggro section where recursive one drops can pick up swords, backed up by some of the best removal in magic.
Utilize some of the most efficient interaction throughout the history of magic to generate card advantage and grind the game down to your pace. Once control has been established, take your pick of late game finishes.
Plays out a little different than the other aggro decks in the cube, based on their top ends. It's looking to play as many one drop elves to ramp out massive game ending threats in green. A slight variation on this can be drafted around Opposition which turns your mana dorks into Rishadan Ports backed up with blue's permission and card draw.
Primarily represented by the Izzet League but can splash other colors for good payoffs or enablers such as Monastery Mentor or Sedgemoor Witch. Play a classic tempo game where you stick a defensible threat and cast cheap cantrips or interaction until you can close out the game.
This deck is looking to play as many gold cards as possible to make the ever fun 5 Color good stuff by winning the classic thought experiment games - "Who wins if we flip our decks over on the table?" You may not win on card advantage but you will win on card quality. During the draft you'll want to prioritize fixing over almost everything.
Another variation on the classic midrange deck which attempts to leverage lands to either choke opponents off of mana sources or generate value.
This deck looks to combine draw seven effects with the cards that prevent additional draws. Often the wincon for a certain type of Sultai control decks.
One of the best things about cube is of course the number of weird and unforeseen interactions that occur while cubing. I'm constantly surprised by the things that drafters find. The above list is only the purposefully supported play patterns, and even then, just the ones that I can think of. Please draft whatever deck you see open and run the table with an unforeseen archetype as these are some of the best moments in cube! I'll never forget the draft where someone made it to the finals with an amazing Mardu deck that I didn't realize was possible.
Updated arts and proxies for the cube :)