The Big Cube (Main Cube)
(1987 Card Cube)
The Big Cube (Main Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Willian MuraiArt by Willian Murai
1987 Card Commander Multiplayer Vintage Cube16 followers
Designed by Irreleverent
Mana Pool$5569.44

man, i gotta write a proper overview for this cube it deserves it


Welcome to the luxurious and wild ride that is my brawl cube. The cube is designed to encourage the sort of big, bombastic decks you'd expect to see at an old-school casual commander table, with a special focus on playing the sort of 6-8 drops you don't really get to see anymore. Draft a pile and have some fun!

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Deck construction and play (mostly) follow the rules of Brawl: 60+ card decks (including 1-2 legendary nonland permanents) following color identity rules, played in 3-5 player multiplayer games starting at 30 life. Commander damage exists, and kills at 21.
  • In addition to the six normal basic lands, players may also play any number of enters the battlefield tapped typed duals from DMU.
  • Taking a wide variety of commanders from the first pack is recommended, as it offers you more space to pivot to mid-draft if you happen to find yourself being cut out of an archetype.
  • Decks tend to end up being a crossover of, give or take, three archetypes. For example a Sharuum the Hegemon deck is likely a mix of reanimator and an artifacts deck with some amount of blink support, and a Marchesa the Black Rose deck is likely some combination of aristocrats, blink, and/or +1/+1 counters. Its pretty rare for a deck to only operate along one axis.
  • Any typal synergies are entirely incidental; the cards are mostly there on their own merits. You can try to pick up more goblins to make your Siege-Gang better, but you can't expect a density of that tribe or additional typal support.
  • Low to the ground aggro only exists in the form of voltron. (mostly)

A few special rules considerations:

  • Singleton is not enforced. You may run multiple copies of a card should you draft multiple copies of said card.
  • Cards with Partner-like abilities or subtypes (see Jacobellis v. Ohio) are all errata'd to simply have "Partner" instead.
  • Any (non-conspiracy) card in the commander pack is errata'd to be legendary.
  • Cards with hybrid mana costs can be treated as having either color identity for deck construction purposes: You don't need to necessarily have both colors available to run a hybrid card.
  • You may only use up to two conspiracies you drafted. (And usually they should name your commander)

A specific card note:

  • Unexpected Potential turns the relevant card's color identities to colorless if its not your commander.

A list of well supported archetypes in the cube:

  • Blink
  • Tokens
  • Instants/sorceries
  • Artifacts
  • Voltron/Equipment
  • Lifegain
  • Sneak-and-Show
  • Wheels/Draw matters
  • Counters matter
  • Dredge/Reanimator
  • Aristocrats
  • Superfriends/Planeswalkers
  • Exile casting
  • Lands

Pack Structure:
Commander packs are drafted first and tend to be bespoke, but usually a mix of core commander, partner commander, and wildcard commander cards, sometimes with 1-3 conspiracies. The most common structure is

  • 4 core commanders
  • 4 partner commanders
  • 2 wildcard commanders
  • 2 conspiracies

Main draft packs tend to be pretty consistent at three 20-card packs:

  • 18-19 main cube cards
  • 1-2 wildcard commanders
Mainboard Changelist+0, -0
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