Multiplayer Cube
(435 Card Cube)
Multiplayer Cube
Cube ID
Art by Mark ZugArt by Mark Zug
435 Card Cube22 followers
Designed by anthonymattox
Mana Pool$938.71

A first pass at a cube designed for multi-player!

This is designed for 4 player drafts with 4 packs of 11 cards. Games are played as 4 player free for all with otherwise normal rules, 40 card deck minimum and starting life total of 20.

The goal is to create a multi-player cube format with as much strategic depth and interaction as possible. While the Magic rules push multi player to be slower and strongly favor defense, the list pushes you to make getting into combat and interacting with your opponent valuable.

Alan Pollack
xdavisx -

Yesss, plssss come back. Give the people an update

Jeff Miracola
A4xx1 -

Plssss come back

Jeff Miracola
A4xx1 -

Just wanted to say really loved this, I've been using it as a great way to teach my friends the basics and the intricacies.

Stingblade Assassin from WOE is a stirckly better Manticore. Do you think it's a good idea to replace it?

Alan Pollack
Snotster -

Also want to say thank you! I’ve built this exact list and have never had more fun than this playing mtg. Captured the whole kitchen/old school vibes of playing. I do hope you continue to update this so I can update as well! Thanks again and keep it up!

Alan Pollack
defnac -

Hey! I just wanna say thanks for all your work. I might get this battle box to play with my girlfriend!

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